
Borden Lifting

Borden Lifting

Paul Bishop, Managing Directof of Borden Lifting says:

"Borden Lifting Services Ltd have introduced the onsiteform system into our lifting equipment inspections and like the feel a functionality of the system."

"The entering of information is easy as is retrieving this for future inspections, We also like the app as we are currently in talks with a company working underground and with the app we can sync the clients site to an iPad and carry out the inspection with no internet connection needed and upon completion and conecting to an available internet connection when available we can then resync back to the clients portal"

"Our current clients that we have on the system to date have said that they find the whole system benificial for inventory and audit purposes and it cuts down the time searching for certificates, scanning and email as you can save the PDF to your computer and then attach to send on email thus cutting down on office admin time."

To find out more about the OnSiteForm site inspection system, click on http://www.onsiteform.co.uk