

Towne Lifting & Testing Recommend OnSiteForm

We have had previous experience of trying to develop a lifting equipment inspection system from scratch with a developer. Unfortunately, due to time restraints and the developers lack of lifting equipment knowledge it proved difficult so we decided to look for an already established system.

Subsequently, we shopped around for a system that would suit our needs and we discovered Formability and their inspection system OnSiteForm. Following discussions with Formability, we were very impressed and opted to use OnSiteForm. We have since worked closely with them to develop a more tailored system to meet our exact requirements.

Our experience with Formability has been very positive, both in the initial development phase and with subsequent system enhancements. Their knowledge of lifting gear inspections, understanding of the products and terminology helped the process greatly and in the end we got exactly what we were looking for.

Since using the OnsiteForm system, our customer base has grown exponentially and it has become a key selling product for us at Towne's, winning us new and bigger contracts. The system makes our company look much more professional and has impressed all our current clients. Our clients find OnSiteForm easy to use and very convenient because they can browse their certification online, 24/7 without having to contact us - it makes their life so much easier

Steve Harrison (Towne Lifting & Testing)